Mini-Scout 2.1 for Football Manager 2010


Mini-SE 1.5, search overhaul and ratings!

As the title explains this update mainly focus on the search panel and rating function.

The search engine has been greatly improved. The program now creates databases, either when Mini is loaded, if auto search is on, or when the search window is opened for the first time if you disabled the auto search. Creating databases is two to three time faster than an old search and
the search button shows the data practically instantly. It also means you'll have to refresh databases from time to time to keep data up to date.

For the rating i have not much to say apart that you can modify the current rating in the options menu and save your own. Attributes represent 80% of the rating and CA 20% Right and left foot are considered as key attributes (x200) Send your feedback if you think it's good or not.

You can download the new version here.

Have fun and Thanks for your support =)

*edit: for those who have a problem with the search panel error i uploaded a new exe here. It doesn't fix the problem, i just removed the line that disable the form, but at least maybe the players database will be working. Still need more work.


Anonymous said...

awesome!! wanna be the first to say thanks!! it's an installer now :P you rock mxamster!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the time and effort you put into this :) I will test and give you feedback asap :P

Anonymous said...

not sure if it is me but i think ticking the positions or searching by name doesnt work. the loading bar stops in the middle. filtering current list also results in 0 searches. but a search without any options (showing all players) works

Anonymous said...

thnak you very match ! ,I LOVE you!!!

Anonymous said...

umm everytime i try to load mini-se search bar it says search databases not loaded, please load a saved game and restart mini-se.

Anonymous said...

the club column in the search panel doesn't work. it says #error

anyway thanks for the release and great work :)

Anonymous said...

Everytime i load it after starting my saved fm 2008 game, it says search databases not loaded, please load a saved game and restart mini-se.

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot for all the time you put into this release! You are the new master of FM ^^

Anonymous said...

thx U amster U have make a great work for me u can take all Ur time for fix the bug !!! Ur prgram is very usefull big thx

Anonymous said...

thanks mx nice one will try it now ;)

Anonymous said...

Great news on the new version, i still think you should have made the whiners wait a few months :D
But, a small request, any chance you can provide in a RAR/ZIP file? I'd rather not use MSI's that'll put pointless reg entries for the uninstallation process in my system when i can just delete the directory if needed. Regards.

Anonymous said...

the search option seems to be greyed out, cannot do anything on the search.

the changing of attributes works fine and quick.

the auto load is working nicely too.

unfortunately of the search option though

Anonymous said...

whenever i start it and i try to see i get this error message.

''Couldnt create search databases

Load a savegame and restart mini-SE''

if someone know the answer i would appreciate that.

Anonymous said...

PLZ all stop repeat same bug

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the search is not working as it should. Using the Club or Nationality filters does not work. So, it needs a bit more work. Good work though. It's getting there.

Anonymous said...

wont work for me :( when i load it its fine but the search wont work it says its loaded my game at bottom but when i press search it says 0 found even when i dont change anything it still does the same :( any ideas?

Anonymous said...

You have the rating in the main panel use it for the moment

Unknown said...

i can't use the search panel,too

it says "Couldn't create Search databases
Load a savegame and restart Mini-SE" everytime!

can you help me?

mx Amster said...

i am looking for people who have problems with the search panel to make some tests. mail me thx

Anonymous said...

Got a problem,when i searched the player on GK,there comes out a list of players, then i want see the rate or CA from high to low of England, it can't be established, which was able to do in 1.4 version.

Golwar said...

First of all: thx mx Amster ! Finally a ( lasting ) helpful scouting tool ;)

Following a summary of my first thoughts on this version:

1. Club search is bugged.
It only finds the II teams, the rest is #error

2. Prestige
I miss the possibilty to use prestige as a search criteria. Prestige is helpful to sort out Players / Staff that won't join your club.

3. The search result entries should open a window with more details on doubleclick

4. Staff part needs more details.

A star rating for all possible coaching areas like set pieces, tactics, ball control etc. is needed.

Additional - how does the current staff rating work ? Is it the same formula for a Assistant Manager and a Physio ? ;)

5. Player potentials / rating

* I'd love if the potential ratings on all positions would be mentioned on the field. This way we could better consider which alternative position the player should learn.

Perfect solution, mark every position with current / potential rating.
So we'd see something like:


* In the search results - to which position is the potential rating related ? Should be mentioned ( or be solved by the point above )

* Same topic - when I search a forward with at least 75% I wouldn't want someone who also plays FC but reaches 75% somewhere else ;)

6. How about a forum where alternative rating settings can be discussed and uploaded files offered ?

hmm, I think I had more but well ... =)
So a huge thank you once more, 1.5 is already more than I expected. With some more tweaks and options it will be nearly perfect.

Anonymous said...

awesome work, sad the search panel is buggy but i believe in you mx amster

mx Amster said...

Yes i am sad too anonymous lol. I underestimated fm dynamic memory allocations.

@golwar: I agree with you and already considered most of your points. It requires lots of time... Same for the forum, i will try to set up one soon but i can't promise i'll be there to answer every request. btw the best potential is always the same position as best rating. It's not possible to get another position for best potential the way how it's calculated.

Av. Özgür Ozan said...

Club and Country filters not working for me. (Other Filters work.) but it's an amazing start.

Anonymous said...

MX Amster, thank you!

I'm still interested in making the portuguese translation!

Anonymous said...

When I click on search it can't find anything.

Unknown said...

search is not working for me either.
drop me a msg on gmail chat if you need help running tests.

Anonymous said...

sorry for the trouble. want to say that the new .exe is a bit weird. a lot of ppl now have p.rating as 99.99 but have PA as <100 -.- some people also have >90 rating but in game, their overview stats is really small.
the first .msi worked for me so ill be using that one for now =) thanks for all the work mx amster! dont overwork yourself xP take your time!

Anonymous said...

Hope the rating function can add Fast Stricker and Target Stricker

Anonymous said...

Search panel doesn't work at all(0 results). It also doesn't matter what options I have for the search. I also like to mention that i'm using Vista and the version 1.4 runs fine(including the search) on the same machine.

mx Amster said...

If you get weird rating it's because the rating file is missing in the folder. There should be a message error telling you it's missing btw

Anonymous said...

Is it happening to anybody or just me?
After starting the game and loading the mini exe, it apears an error saing mini could'nt create database, and it's main window disapears!

Anonymous said...

Its happening to me also with 1.5. I've sent Amster a mail offering my assistance with testing a solution but he hasn't time to work on it for now. When he does i'm sure it will be fixed.

Back to 1.4 for me and no issues at all on that one.

Thanks Amster, i hope you dont neglect the important things in life.

Anonymous said...

Just thought i'd pipe in and say while i've only used it very briefly i encountered no problems. I wish there was a no edit mode though, so that i could click on a players positions to set them just to see what would happen, without actually changing anything in game, as i want to play it unmodified i just like the all in one attribs window.
Great work so far though mx.

Anonymous said...

Oh, just wanted to also mention incase it matters that i'm using my 8.0.0 db game under the latest version of the 8.0.2 game.

Golwar said...

Thank you mx Amster. I already expected that you'd aim for most of it. But it doesn't hurt when it's mentioned either ;)

"It's not possible to get another position for best potential the way how it's calculated."

Hm, does that also mean that it won't be able to calculate the potential rating for all Positions as suggested ( for learning new positions ) ?

I know that the bugs of the others will have first priority, but I'll drop some more suggestions nevertheless.

1. I'd appreciate if the 20% CA and 200% feetrating wouldn't be hardcoded / out of reach for us. Just add those ( or better said ALL ) values to the editable part for us.

I for example want CA at 0 and feets at 100.

2. Could you add weight too ? I'm not sure if height is needed, besides Heading & Jumping.
PPMs would be fine ( something that even Genie missed ).

3. I agree with some anonymous guys, who beg to differ between Target Strikers and Fast Strikers.

4. As I will use MiniSE only as a scouting tool, could you create an option to deactivate the part that allows editing / cheating ? Just to prevent that I change values by mistake.

Anonymous said...

i found that its vista that was stopping me from bein able to search for players on my xp everything works good so ty:)

Unknown said...

can you inport into you short lists?

Anonymous said...

i can save and import shortlists yes

Unknown said...

how did you do it mate mine doesnt find the file

Anonymous said...

in the search panel you should have in the left corner a "menu"

Anonymous said...

Help, I need 8.01 version support...can you try that???
Thanks, and rating would be a very very very useful function. I love it...

Anonymous said...

1.5 should support 8.0.1 fine, basically it is any version up to the 2nd release of the 8.0.2 patch.

Peeping Tom said...


super terry said...

mx amster,

great work! did you ever get that copy of wsm? if not mail me and maybe i can help you out...

Anonymous said...

ok i downloaded the latest file with the "fix" for the search database problem and it says
Error databases corrupted
Some filters wont work.

It the closes. Im running an 8.0.0 saved game on an 8.0.2 patched game

Anonymous said...

I still have the same problem. Everything works perfect except for the search database.

Please can you fix this!

Anonymous said...

Thank you mx

I have two suggestions that can be implemented easily

1. Could you enlarge the attribute panel. The words look too small and hard to see.

2. Could you change the attribute window to show player clicked on the search window rather than in the game? that will be more convinient.

Three more suggestions, maybe not easy to implement.

1. Could you add club column in the detail? Because many times, there are more than one people with the same name in the game.

2. Could you add availability of loan in th filter?

3. Now the club filter does not work. If you plan to make it work. Could you consider all players, including loan in and loan out as one team? That will be easier to compare the rating in one team.

Many thx again.

Anonymous said...

People like it for the small numbers, it's easy to run it alongside FM that way...unlike genie.

Unknown said...

Just to say thank you, MX Amster :)

Unknown said...

hi mx
i've downladed the 1.5 version and couldn't search for players...
therefore i downloaded the fixed exe, and now the window of the scout does not show up. the name of the miniscout is on the taskbar, but i can't see it.
thanks in advance for any help

Anonymous said...


I have the same problem before. Just reinstall it and run again.

mx Amster said...

Make sure there is not a message box hidden somewhere behind.

Anyway a 1.5.1 version will be release soon and should be fully working.

Anonymous said...

cannot wait, take your time though, I certainly dont mind, kutgw!!!

Unknown said...

thanks a lot...
the search still does not work, but at least i can see the rating of the current player.
waiting for 1.5.1 :)

Peeping Tom said...

Thanks mx :D

you're the man!

Anonymous said...

anyonw know why my edited player atribute drop after week (or couple)?

MoneyMakers said...


Tnx for a really great version, it works perfect ;)

I´ve thoughts to start a cheat package and wondering if it was ok for you if your 1.51 version is in it? I´ll credit you with a link and a big thank you in the readme file :)


Anonymous said...

Is it possible to use on Vista? I don't have a com with XP, so i would really appriciate this.

Anonymous said...

is there any new version for FM2009?

mx Amster said...

yes a new version should be released in few days

Anonymous said...

Excellent news!

I just wanted to ask how accurate the sale values will be as it had been a problem for the other scouts. Great tool and we appreciate your work

Anonymous said...


mini scout is by far the best utility available made FM08 a pleasure to play

Cant wait for the FM09 version ..will you still use the % rating for positions?

Cheers and Thanks

Anonymous said...

I hope u release it in time for the weekend!!